Red Dirt Seeds are specialists in the harvesting, processing and storage of native 'arid land' seeds for mine site revegetation. The seeds are harvested within a set radius of the mine site and are processed and stored until mine-closure revegetation is required.

Harvested seeds and plant material are transported to our warehouse where they are cleaned, examined, recorded, treated and stored under controlled conditions. The equipment and techniques used have been modified and perfected over time to ensure that buyers can be assured of a reliable supply of viable seed are available for revegetation projects.

Contact Red Dirt Seeds


Red Dirt Seeds specialises in provenance seeds from the Goldfields and Pilbara ready for immediate mine site revegetation.

Complimentary to the provision of quality native seed, the business also offers direct seeding services. Further expansion will provide emerging opportunities for indigenous involvement in all aspects of the enterprise.

Contact Red Dirt Seeds